Osteoarthritis (OA) in your knees can be painful and debilitating. Stiffness, swelling, and pain can limit your ability to walk, run, and enjoy the best things in life.

The hyaluronic acid in your body helps lubricate your joints so they function smoothly and painlessly. In people with osteoarthritis this critical substance breaks down. It can be replenished with hyaluronic joint fluid injections – a fast, non-invasive, and mostly painless treatment that can reduce or eliminate osteoarthritis knee pain.

FDA-approved hyaluronic joint fluid injections can provide the relief you’re seeking. To treat your osteoarthritic knee pain, request an appointment online today.

Who needs Hyaluronic Acid Joint Injections?

Hyaluronic acid joint injections can help relieve your pain if your knee condition has not responded positively to treatments like physical therapy, steroid injections, and pain medications. You may be a good candidate for these injections if you’re experiencing:

These knee conditions may have been caused by:

Your Hyaluronic Acid Injection Session

Dr. Truong is a highly sought specialist for this treatment. Before undergoing hyaluronic acid injection therapy, make sure to mention if you:

Your injection procedure will take about 15-20 minutes. After cleaning the skin near your knee and applying a topical anesthetic to temporarily numb the area, Dr. Truong will insert a needle directly into your knee joint and inject the necessary amount of hyaluronic acid. Depending on your specific condition, you may get a single shot, or you may require 3-5 injections over the course of a few weeks to experience pain relief.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections Aftercare

After your injection, get plenty of rest and don’t put stress on your knee for a few days. Avoid unnecessary physical activity, standing for long periods, or heavy lifting. Dr. Truong may recommend using assistive devices like a cane or brace to reduce knee strain.

You can expect temporary knee pain or swelling after your injection that should go away in a few days. Try applying a towel-wrapped ice pack to the sore area for 20-minute periods with one-hour breaks in between. If the pain or swelling persists or becomes severe, don’t wait—call Dr. Truong immediately.

What to Expect After Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Hyaluronic acid joint injections usually take effect within a few days, and typically reduce or relieve pain for 6-12 months. You may require several injections to get the therapy’s full benefit. Dr. Truong will help you determine your best course of treatment.

Any medical procedure can cause side effects. The typically minimal or rare side effects of hyaluronic acid joint injections are:

Call Dr. Truong right away if you experience any of these symptoms after your injection:

Book Your Appointment Today

Knee osteoarthritis can cause intense, incapacitating pain, and hyaluronic acid joint fluid injections can reduce or relieve it, getting you back to work and play. If you suffer from knee pain, contact us online today to schedule your Truong Rehabilitation Center treatment.

Our Location

4604 Spotsylvania Parkway
Suite 303
Fredericksburg, VA 22408

Phone: (540) 374-3164
Fax: (540) 899-1342


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