This episode will discuss nine foods that may improve erectile dysfunction (ED) and enhance sexual performance. It is believed that certain dietary choices can affect ED, and these nine foods may be beneficial for those struggling with this condition.
In this episode, I will discuss the differences between physical and psychological erectile dysfunction (ED). I will provide guidance on how you can differentiate between the two types of ED. Additionally, I will offer tips to help you determine which type of ED you have.
Platelet-rich plasma is your body’s own healing power. In this episode, I’m going to talk about how you can use it to treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
Are you experiencing difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection, or having difficulty performing sexually with your partner? If so, medical foods may be a viable option for you.
Depression hurts, and so does ED. Both these issues are interrelated, and you need to look at the bigger picture regarding both! In fact, studies show that people with depression are 39% more likely to experience Erectile Dysfunction than those without it. It all goes back to how the mind affects the body and vice versa. Let’s look at what’s happening beneath the surface and find out how to steal back your erection!
Ever wonder why porn is so darn addicting? As innocent as you may think it is, there’s a possibility that it may be affecting your performance in bed and in life. Eric Zuzack (Powerful Eric) is a recovered porn addict and life coach.
Did you know you had the power to choose to increase blood flow to the penis naturally? I will show you how to do just that. I’ll discuss how certain herbs, activities, supplements, and diets can increase blood flow to the penis and your stamina.
Have you ever looked at a celebrity and thought, “Man! They are so attractive and fit. How do they not struggle with things like ED?” Well, you may be surprised to hear that even major celebrities (especially males) secretly battle with sexual issues. When that happens, Eric the Trainer is the one they call.
Studies have shown that drinking 1 to 2 glasses of alcohol can be good for your erection. Any more than that, and you’re running into dangerous territory.
Are you looking for a natural treatment for ED? There are a number of different treatments available, but many of them come with unwanted side effects. In this video, I’m joined by Dr. Tracy Gapin, urologist and board-certified urologist, world-renowned men’s health & performance expert. I’ll share with you a natural treatment that has helped many men overcome their ED.
IMPORTANT! All information presented in this website is intended for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.