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Can Botox Help Erectile Dysfunction cover

Can Botox Help Erectile Dysfunction

Did you know Botox has effects on your erection? Not many know that Botox is used for more things than just facelifts. In fact, it may help in cases of erectile dysfunction. In this episode, we look at how Botox works by increasing smooth muscle relaxation and arterial blood flow, which helps to increase blood flow to the penis and maintain its firmness. We’ll also look at case studies on its effects, safety, and best ways to use it.

How Porn is Robbing You of Your Erection cover

How Porn is Robbing You of Your Erection

Ever wonder why porn is so darn addicting? As innocent as you may think it is, there’s a possibility that it may be affecting your performance in bed and in life. Eric Zuzack (Powerful Eric) is a recovered porn addict and life coach.

BPC 157 for Erectile Dysfunction cover

BPC 157 for Erectile Dysfunction

Peptide BPC-157 has been shown to improve sexual function, libido, and overall physical performance. In addition, it has been confirmed to help reduce inflammation and pain in the body. If you are looking for a peptide that can improve your sexual health, athletic recovery, and overall healing, BPC-157 may be the right choice for you.

Sexual Tips from Hollywood Actor Ryan Carnes cover

Sexual Tips from Hollywood Actor Ryan Carnes

Ryan Carnes is a Hollywood actor, producer, singer-songwriter, and screenwriter. You might define him as successful, sexy, and confident, but he wasn’t born like that. So how did he get here? It’s time to unlock the secret to an unwavering confidence in and out of the bedroom.

Workout for Sexual Fitness with Eric the Trainer cover

Workout for Sexual Fitness with Eric the Trainer

Have you ever looked at a celebrity and thought, “Man! They are so attractive and fit. How do they not struggle with things like ED?” Well, you may be surprised to hear that even major celebrities (especially males) secretly battle with sexual issues. When that happens, Eric the Trainer is the one they call.

What Is a Whiskey Dick? cover

What Is a Whiskey Dick?

Studies have shown that drinking 1 to 2 glasses of alcohol can be good for your erection. Any more than that, and you’re running into dangerous territory.


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