Dr. Anne
Dr. Anne


I'm Dr. Anne Truong, MD

Dr. Anne Truong is a highly respected physician, best-selling author and internationally sought-after speaker on the topics of regenerative cell medicine, pain management, and applications for aesthetics and sexuality.

It’s back-to-school time for the kiddos and with everything to do like shopping for supplies, new school clothes, and getting schedules organized, it can be a very stressful time not only for you but for your kids too. You have to be ready to send them back and they may not want to go back because – let’s face it – they just spent the summer having fun, not having to do homework and enjoying the beautiful weather.

With all the planning and preperation it’s no wonder back-to-school time becomes a stressful. To make things go a little more smooth, here are four tips to make the new school year as easy on all of you as possible:
Stay Positive
Kids pick up on your stress. If they know that you’re anxious or have anxiety it will trickle down to them which can be a recipe for disaster. By using a positive approach when they say for instance “I don’t want to go back to school” turn it into a positive by replying “just think… you’ll get to see all the friends you haven’t seen all summer.” Remember to promote the good things!

Pace yourself

Yes, you have the lists and you know what they need on the first day of school. Get the essential school supplies to begin with and then add things as they come up. Certain items can absolutely wait. The same holds true for new school clothes. Purchase a few new outfits for now and as the seasons change you can continue to add to their wardrobe. And don’t forget, they are kids. Once they see what their peers are wearing, their entire taste in attire may change!

We know that stress is bad for our health and it is our job to teach children how to deal with their own stress. The best way to do that is to get them to talk about it. Sit down in a relaxed atmosphere and have a conversation with them. Listen to their concerns and tell them it’s okay to worry, but also show them how to overcome their anxiety. Together you can accomplish a lot and… these types of chats will also stop them from keeping their feelings bottled up. Talking things out is one of the biggest stress relievers there is.

Make it an exciting time
Back to school should really be exciting. It’s an opportunity for children to look forward, grow into young adults, and think about the future. Ask them what they’re excited about. Maybe it’s seeing old friends, perhaps there’s a new class they’re looking forward to, older kids may be becoming licensed drivers this year (well they will be excited about that – maybe not you). There’s always something good that can be focused on.

Turn that frown upside down and you’ll watch the stress go away. If everyone makes the best of the moment, back-to-school will go off without a hitch!

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Take Your Penis to the Gym | Penile Rehab Tips

The Get Hard System to Fix Erectile Dysfunction!

Do This ONE Thing For Better Erection And Ejaculation


The Get Hard System to Fix Erectile Dysfunction!

Take Your Penis to the Gym | Penile Rehab Tips

Is your penile health at risk without you even realizing it? Most men focus on fitness and nutrition but completely overlook penile rehab, which is essential for maintaining performance and preventing issues like erectile dysfunction. Just like any other muscle, your penis needs regular care to stay strong and functional. In this episode, we uncover the best strategies to keep your manhood in peak shape. I’ll introduce a powerful tool that can prevent shrinkage, atrophy, and performance decline. Stop letting your most crucial asset wither away. Tune in now, and let’s get real about penile maintenance before it’s too late.

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The Get Hard System to Fix Erectile Dysfunction!

The Get Hard System to Fix Erectile Dysfunction!

Struggling with erectile dysfunction and tired of temporary fixes? Imagine a life free from pills and invasive procedures. A life where you naturally reclaim your confidence in the bedroom. In this podcast episode, we’ll discuss why The Get Hard System is the game-changer you’re looking for. This isn’t just another quick fix, it’s a holistic path to lasting results. Ready to discover how to implement this powerful method at home or in-office treatments? Don’t wait any longer. Dive in now and unlock the harder, healthier you that’s waiting to be unleashed!

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Do This ONE Thing For Better Erection And Ejaculation

Do This ONE Thing For Better Erection And Ejaculation

Is your erection not as strong as it used to be? Forget the little blue pill – the real secret to a rock-solid performance might be closer than you think. Ready to ditch the disappointment and rediscover your confidence? In this podcast episode, we’re diving deep into the most effective exercises for boosting your sexual health. I will be sharing simple lifestyle tweaks that can take your performance to 10X levels. Don’t wait, your best bedroom days are ahead. Dive in now and reclaim your mojo!

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The Get Hard System to Fix Erectile Dysfunction!

Take Your Penis to the Gym | Penile Rehab Tips

Is your penile health at risk without you even realizing it? Most men focus on fitness and nutrition but completely overlook penile rehab, which is essential for maintaining performance and preventing issues like erectile dysfunction. Just like any other muscle, your penis needs regular care to stay strong and functional. In this episode, we uncover the best strategies to keep your manhood in peak shape. I’ll introduce a powerful tool that can prevent shrinkage, atrophy, and performance decline. Stop letting your most crucial asset wither away. Tune in now, and let’s get real about penile maintenance before it’s too late.

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The Get Hard System to Fix Erectile Dysfunction!

The Get Hard System to Fix Erectile Dysfunction!

Struggling with erectile dysfunction and tired of temporary fixes? Imagine a life free from pills and invasive procedures. A life where you naturally reclaim your confidence in the bedroom. In this podcast episode, we’ll discuss why The Get Hard System is the game-changer you’re looking for. This isn’t just another quick fix, it’s a holistic path to lasting results. Ready to discover how to implement this powerful method at home or in-office treatments? Don’t wait any longer. Dive in now and unlock the harder, healthier you that’s waiting to be unleashed!

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